Thursday, September 30, 2010

What is a Superhero?

I think I noticed from "What is a Superhero" that everyone has a different view of what a hero really is. A hero can be someone from a comic book or cartoon but a hero can also be a fireman or something else. Everyone has a hero or someone that he or she looks up to, it all depends on how he or she views someone. Webster's dictionary described a hero as a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability. I agree with Webster's dictionary because I believe that a hero must be strong and must use the ability that he or she was given.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Hey all, to get started with our blog project I've chosen a blog from all about superheroes: This is a single author blog created by Robin Rosenberg that talks about various characteristics and perspectives of superheroes. The posts are varied, addressing topics from "what" makes a superhero, to Wonder Women, to comic book nerds. This week I would like for everyone to focus on the post from March 2010 entitled "What Is a Superhero?" Read through the post and notice how the images she's incorporated might be working with what she's saying. Pay particular attention to comments from her readers - What do you notice about these comments? How are people responding to the ideas she's presenting? Look through the suggested prompts for respondants on the blog project instructions posted on Carmen and begin commenting!